Wednesday 28 November 2012

Septage Management in Tiny

Septage Management in Tiny

There are serious concerns about the direction of the septage management study being undertaken by the Township of Tiny. 
The study appears to be progressing toward a pre-determined conclusion based on campaign promises of a “Made in Tiny” solution, with only cursory investigation, analysis and review of other alternatives. By narrowing the study to a single alternative at this stage, Tiny may be compromising long-term, environmentally responsible action in the name of short-term economies. Alternatively, Tiny may be about to waste significant tax dollars if the chosen alternative is rejected by the public once a site has been selected for septage disposal.

Septage management in Tiny has received very limited attention judging from the lack of press coverage and the weak attendance at three public meetings held during the first phase of the Class Environmental Assessment by R.J Burnside and Associates. Only 28 people attended the first Public Information Centre presentation in July 2011, 34 attended the second PIC presentation in November 2011 and 28 attended the third PIC presentation in June 2012. Over half of the attendees at each meeting consisted of staff and members of the Project Advisory Committee. At this stage, residents of Tiny are simply not aware of the proposed solution, or of its implications. Neighboring residents are equally unaware of the potential collaborative opportunities which have seemingly been ignored by their elected representatives.

On August 13th Tiny Council approved a motion to proceed with a Class 3 and Class 4 Environmental Assessment of the construction of a full septage treatment works in Tiny. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1, with Mayor Millar opposed. 

Passage of the August 13th motion pre-empted a public debate of the final Burnside report of alternatives. It also terminated any further discussions with neighbors such as Midland or Waypoint regarding collaboration on the treatment of sewage and septage in the region, even though:

     a) It is truly a regional issue, not just a Tiny issue. In addition to the 9400 residences in Tiny, approximately 1300 private septic systems in Midland and Penetanguishene are currently serviced by haulers who use spreading sites in Tiny for disposal by land application.

     b) Midland’s Waste Water Treatment Plant is only half utilized. While Midland has been searching for income opportunities from neighboring communities to alleviate their budget shortfall, Midland residents appear completely unaware of the opportunities afforded by collaborating with Tiny on septage disposal. This single project could generate up to $0.6 million in annual tipping fees, compared to the $1.75 million over 58 potential savings opportunities recently identified by KPMG.

     c) Waypoint is considering the construction of a new Waste Water Treatment Plant, which could be designed to incorporate sewage and septage from neighboring communities. The Burnside report cites “unknowns … related to project timing, funding and the basis for charges at the plant, who would be the lead municipality, wastewater quantity and quality, etc.” as the basis for rejecting this alternative. None of these excuses would pose a major challenge in the face of serious commitment to action.

The “Full Septage Treatment Works” alternative selected by Tiny Council involves technologies, yet to be evaluated, such as alkaline stabilization, anaerobic digestion, composting, geo-tubes, lagoons and/or reed filter beds. These technologies may well be feasible and economical. However, they fall short of a best-in-class solution in this age of environmental awareness. 

The site has yet to be identified, although the 54-acre former North Simcoe Hunters and Anglers site (now the Tiny Community Centre) and the Tiny Public Works site have long been rumoured to be the preferred locations of certain Council members. Regardless of the final selection, there is a strong probability that the storage and disposal of sewage without treatment in a modern Waste Water Treatment Plant will elicit a neighborhood reaction, possibly rivalling the Site 41 situation.

Mayor Millar made a motion at Council’s November 26 Committee of the Whole meeting to separate the costs of the next study phase from the 2013 budget in an attempt to reopen debate before $400,000 of taxpayer’s money is spent on a doomed single-alternative process. The motion failed, but may yet stimulate public awareness and encourage further negotiations with Midland and Waypoint in what could and should be a win-win solution.

Terry Breckenridge
President Clearwater Beach Ratepayers Association 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

How do I remove rust from well water?

How do I remove rust from well water?

That rusty colour is from the well water’s excess iron content. High levels of iron (more than 0.3 milligrams per litre) can affect the taste, smell, and colour of your water, and can stain laundry, plumbing fixtures, or kitchen utensils. Happily, you can usually remove it.
Get the rest of the answer at Cottage Life

Sunday 18 November 2012

Gifts for the book-loving cottager

Gifts for the book-loving cottager Cottage Life

Some great cottage based books for the cottager in your life. 

Monday 12 November 2012

Cottage destroyed by fire November 12th 2012

Cottage destroyed by fire Barrie Examiner 
According to Southern Georgian Bay OPP, officers were called to an uninhabited cottage on Fairlain Road East after a fire started in a shed and spread to the cottage around noon.
Please be careful if you have a wood stove, fire place or are just burning leaves outside, nobody wants to lose their cottage or life.... 

Sunday 11 November 2012

Heating Season Tips

Three quick tips from Cottage Life

7 electric-heater safety tips Cottage Life
They may bring in extra heat, but electric heaters can be dangerous. Learn how to stay safe

If you have one please read the lined article 

Video: Woodpile basics Cottage Life
Handyman Wayne Lennox demonstrates where woodpiles should be located and how logs should be stacked to avoid rot and decay.

If you heat with wood, watch the video 

Firewood 101 Cottage Life

A very nice overview of Firewood

Saturday 10 November 2012

Why do mosquitoes bite some people and not others?

Why do mosquitoes bite some people and not others? 

Mosquitoes are sources of severe infection in many parts of the world, there has been a lot of research done about why some people are mosquitoes' favorite snack.
Read the story iO9 

Hummm Very Interesting 

Friday 9 November 2012

The November FOCA Elert is out

The November FOCA Elert is out 

Some of the topics covered 

Lakeshore Capacity Assessment Workshop      
 Hurry: space is limited at this workshop, scheduled for next Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. 
Register for the 2012 FOCA Cottage Succession Seminar
Keeping the 'Family' in the Family Cottage 
Event Date: Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 from 6:30-8:30pm
Location: 200 Bay St (at Front St.), 40th Floor, RBC Plaza South Tower, Toronto
2012 Fire Season is "Out"     
Our partners at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources announced the end of the 2012 Forest Fire season, effective October 31st. 
Lake Links 2012 Recap     
FOCA was proud to sponsor the 11th Annual Lake Links Workshop, Climate Change - How to Build Resiliency in our Lakes, held October 20th in Perth. Visit the Centre for Sustainable Watersheds' website for a review of the day's events and links to speakers' presentations.

Sign up to get FOCA's Elret delivered right to your email box, on the FOCA web site

To read the Elert click on the link below FOCA 

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Getting To The Cottage Part 1

Getting To The Cottage Part 1 Terry On Cottage Tech
New blog post on tech to help you get to the cottage quickly and safely.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Cottage Tech Blog

Terry S. has started a new blog on Cottage Tech  at

"Welcome to my Cottage Tech blog. The focus will be on Tech at the cottage but I will be looking at other things that can improve your enjoyment of a cottage. I will be looking at High Tech, Low Tech and No Tech solutions to cottage issues. I will try to look in to the pros and cons of various tech at the cottage."

Check it out and hope you enjoy it.

Friday 2 November 2012

Friends of the library host half price book sale

Friends of the library host half price book sale Midland Freepress 

If you want some good reading for the winter, you can find a wide range of books on sale at half price on Saturday, Nov. 3 at Midland Library.