Friday 28 June 2013


Status Update
By Barrie Examiner

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has posted several beach advisory notices.
Notices have been posted for the following: Leonard's Beach in Innisfil; Peter Petersen Park Beach in Midland; and Con. 12 west beach in Tiny Township.
An advisory is a warning to swimmers, but it is not a beach closure. 
During an advisory, a beach is posted with warning signs when the water contains levels of bacteria that indicate there may be an increased risk of developing minor skin, eye, ear, nose and throat infections and stomach disorders. 
People may still choose to swim during an advisory but it may be best to avoid swallowing the water, and ducking or dunking their heads underwater.
Testing is done at least weekly by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, and the results are listed on their website. 

To access the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit beach advisories and notices visit 

Wednesday 26 June 2013

FOCA's June 2013 Elert is out

FOCA's June 2013 Elert is out FOCA

Welcome to Summer!

Here's the outlook from The Old Farmer's Almanac: "Summer will be cooler and rainier than normal, with the hottest temperatures in early to mid-July, late July, and mid-August."summer weather 

Beware of Flying Fire  

FOCA continues to advocate for safe burning practices. We warn you about the dangers of "flying lanterns," and  Cottage Life blog applaud our colleagues at the Lake of the Woods District Property Owners Association, who have garnered media interest in the subject.

Great Lakes Water Levels

International Joint Commission The International Joint Commission has announced public hearings on its new water management proposal for Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River water levels. 

Warning: Lyme Disease in Ontario  

A FOCA member wrote to us recently, warning about the dangers of Lyme Disease to people and pets in Ontario:

Our Golden Retriever contracted Lyme disease apparently from a tick. She is on meds and we are hoping for a complete recovery. We are not sure where she got this as we live in Markham, but visit and spend time every week at our cottage ... We were oblivious to all of this and believe everyone needs to know.

The Health Unit reminds you to "know the bug, know the bite" that can spread it.

And Much Much More

Low Water Levels on the Great Lakes

Low Water Levels on the Great Lakes

Double Check Your Charts Before You Head Out on the Great Lakes this Summer

Saturday 22 June 2013

The 7 most grillable veggies

The 7 most grillable veggies Cottage Life

Not sure which veggies are the easiest and most delicious for grilling? Here are seven that you can’t miss with!

Getting Hungry Just Reading it 

Friday 21 June 2013

Sun Media closes Midland operation; other papers remain unaffected

Sun Media closes Midland operation; other papers remain unaffected
The Midland Free Press, which has been a source of news for Midland and surrounding area since 1879, has closed.

"Decisions such as these are never easy and occur only after considerable review," said Rob Leuschner, Regional Publisher/Director of Advertising for The Free Press along with the Barrie Examiner, Orillia Packet & Times and Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin. "The Free Press in Midland has existed for 134 years and during that time has been an important media choice for many readers and advertisers within the community." Orillia Packet and Times

I will miss the Free Press. It was a great little paper, it allowed me to keep up with what was going on around the cottage.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Tall Ships sail Ontario's Great Lakes

Tall Ships sail Ontario's Great Lakes Toronto Sun

The tall ships are a-comin’ for a summer tradition on the Great Lakes.

These majestic sailing vessels will sail to 15 Ontario ports this summer to commemorate the bicentennial of the War of 1812.


The will be in the Midland - Penetaguishene area the weekend before Labour Day Weekend. 

Sunday 16 June 2013

Need help troubleshooting your cottage water system?

Need help troubleshooting your cottage water system? 
Here's a book with all the answers:  Cottage Life

It looks good will have to get a copy at the next Cottage Life Show. Hope they also release it as a eBook too.

Friday 14 June 2013

Flying lanterns a fire hazard for cottages

Flying lanterns a fire hazard for cottages

There is one thing that has lit a fire under cottagers, it’s fire raining down from the sky.
“What kind of idiot would set an uncontrolled flame floating over cottages and forests to land who knows where?” asks Terry Rees in reference to the popular airborne lanterns that are powered by an open flame in the bottom, much like a hot air balloon. Also known as Chinese, sky, and flying lanterns, they are often released, dozens at a time, at weddings and other parties.

More at Cottage Life

Thank you Penny C. and Terry R. for bringing the issues to light.

The International Joint Commission invites Public Comment on a Proposal for Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Regulation

The International Joint Commission invites Public Comment on a Proposal for Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Regulation 

The International Joint Commission (IJC) is inviting the public to comment on a proposal for managing the water levels and flows in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River that will continue to contribute to the economic health of communities throughout the basin while improving the long-term ecological health of Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence River.

Since 1960, the IJC has managed the flow of water at the Moses-Saunders hydropower dam, located on the St Lawrence River between Cornwall, Ontario and Massena, New York. The management of water flows influences water levels on Lake Ontario and in the St Lawrence River as far downstream as Lake St. Pierre. Although water levels and flows are primarily determined by precipitation, snowpack and storms,   water flow management has provided substantial benefits to the region. These include reducing flooding and erosion on the Lake Ontario shoreline, reducing flooding downstream, and providing more favorable conditions on the lake and river for water intakes, recreational boating, commercial navigation and hydroelectric power production. International Joint Commission

First annual Butter Tart Festival

First annual Butter Tart Festival; Best butter tart in Ontario will be declared

Mention butter tarts and many people start dreaming and salivating.

This most personal and beloved pastry is the focus of the first annual Butter Tart Festival in Midland on Saturday. Midland Free Press

Enjoy a Butter Tart for me, wish I was able to go

Thursday 13 June 2013

Tips for boating with dogs

Tips for boating with dogs Cottage Life

Just like us cottagers, our dogs are “outdoor enthusiasts” (even my little pug likes to stick his nose in the mud once in a while). And just like us, it’s important to consider that not all dogs actually like to be in the water, and not all dogs may enjoy the experience of being on a boat.

Some good tips for boating with your dog.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Sweet strawberry recipes for the cottage

Sweet strawberry recipes for the cottage Cottage Life

Fresh Strawberry Daiquiris
Strawberry Salad with Poppyseed Dressing
Strawberry Smoothies
Strawberry-Banana Chocolate Pie

Love fresh strawberries at the cottage

Is your cottage covered against fires?

Is your cottage covered against fires? Cottage Life

When Alice Ogden’s Manitoulin Island cottage burned down in 2005, “We knew the cottage was insured, but we didn’t know by how much.” The Ogdens bought their getaway (originally a cabin at a fishing resort) in 1985 and assumed the existing insurance policy. As a result, the $51,000 in structure and contents coverage “wasn’t enough to build a modern cottage,” she says. The replacement (including such big-ticket items as a new wood stove and composting toilet) cost more than three times what the original building was insured for.

More information Cottage Life 

Fire safety tips for the cottage

Fire safety tips for the cottage Cottage Life 

Outside the cottage

Store fuel, firewood, and other combustible materials at least 10 metres from the cottage.
Keep roof and rain gutters free of dried leaves and pine needles. Install a screened cap on your chimney.

Keep firefighting tools (a bucket of water or sand, shovels, and a garden hose) handy when you’re having a bonfire or burning brush.

Inside the cottage

Learn how your smoke alarms work and test them at least monthly Ontario’s Fire Code requires them on every storey and outside all sleeping areas. Regularly replace the batteries and replace the alarm itself every eight years. If you have a wood or fossil-fuel-fired appliance, or attached garage, install a carbon-monoxide alarm.

Develop a fire-escape plan. Designate family members who are responsible to help guests, people who may have trouble getting out on their own, and pets. Keep keys and cell phones in a handy place, so they can be found during a hasty exit. Once everyone is out and accounted for at a meeting place, call 911 or your local emergency number and report the fire.

And Many More Cottage Life

Ask you local Fire Department for advice too